Canikur® Pro

Canikur® Pro

Probiotika, prebiotika og medicinsk ler Velsmagende pasta til hund og kat

Velsmagende pasta, der indeholder hjælpestoffer med tredobbelt funktion, der styrker og understøtter hundens eller kattens tarmbalance.

  • Naturlig hjælp til en sund mave
  • Tredobbelt funktion: probiotikum, prebiotikum og mineralsk ler kombineres i én formulering
  • Anvendes ved ubalance i tarmen
  • Kan anvendes som supplement til medicinsk behandling
  • Kan bruges forebyggende
  • Praktisk og let anvendelig doseringssprøjte
  • Velsmagende pasta som hunden og katten let accepterer

Senest opdateret: 12. dec 2024


Sprøjter af 15, 30 og 60 ml.


Forebyggende og understøttende anvendelse til hund og kat ved diarré forårsaget af bakterier og vira samt stress og foderskift.


  2 x dagligt
Vægt (kg) Dosis (ml)
Kat 1-2
<10 2
11-25 4
26-40 6
>40 8

Hvor længe rækker en pakning?

     Sprøjten rækker til (Antal dage)
 Vægt (kg)  15 ml 30 ml  60 ml 
<10 15
11-25 7,5
26-40 1 5
>40 - 3,5

Køb af produktet

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Ofte stillede spørgsmål

Kan Canikur Pro tåle frost?

Canikur Pro tåler frost og genoptøning

Skal Canikur Pro opbevares i køleskab efter det er taget i brug?

Nej, Canikur Pro skal opbevares ved stuetemperatur – også efter at det er taget i brug.

Would Monmorillonite also transport/remove minerals and other healthy bacterias etc. from the gut?

In general montmorillonite does not adsorb bacteria. There is some research demonstrating that negatively charged bacteria may be adsorbed to montmorillonite, but that would not include Entreococcus faecium. Enterococcus may to a limited extent be absorbed together with water, but not in such a magnitude that it is likely to influence the effect.

The glucose and elektrolytes in Canikur Pro is not sufficient for a dehydrated dog but the tablets will be. How about ProKolin and Diarsanyl?

No glucose + electrolytes in ProKolin, Diarsany provides around 16% of the glucose and electrolytes in Canikur tablets, which is very low and in many cases not enough for a dehydrated dog.

How long does Montmorillonite stay in the gut?

Gastrointestinal transit time is normally 6-8 hours in dogs, but it is probably a lot faster in dogs with diarrhoea.

Will it have any negative implications to the effect of Metacam?

Generally, there is a possibility that montmorillonite could adsorb certain types of drugs. Therefore it could be a sensible precaution to separate the administration of drugs and Canikur Pro. For Metacam - as well as for any other drug - we would generally recommend to be administered at least one hour before, or not sooner than three hours after administration of Canikur Pro to avoid any implications. Since the drugs in general are absorbed, while the montmorillonite is not, the risk of interaction would normally be lower when the drug is administered before Canikur Pro.

Use of Canikur Pro for cats (kitten)?

The probiotic strain in Canikur Pro is not authorised for cats, so BI does not recommend officially such use. However, there is no reason why the product would not work in cats as in dogs. The theoretical dose for cats would be smaller.

Use & dosage Canikur Pro for puppies?

Canikur Pro can be used in puppies with the same dose per weight as in older animals (see packaging).

Protein in Canikur Pro

Canikur Pro contains protein from soy and lupin.
=> Canikur Pro should not be given to dogs that are allergic to soy / lupin proteins.

Will the bacteria in Canikur Pro be killed by antibiotic treatment?

Using Canikur Pro with non-compatible antibiotics is not harmful but the efficacy of the probiotic bacteria will be compromised. We should always recommend the use of Canikur Pro during antibiotic therapy even for this type of scenario where a non-compatible antibiotic is being used at the same time. It is generally felt that there are still benefits of the probiotics administered - probably because they will exert some activity before they die, and because of the other beneficial components in the product. In such cases it should always be advised to separate the oral administration of antibiotics from Canikur Pro to different times of the day.

Can the probiotic in Canikur Pro transfer antibiotic resistance?

This question has been reviewed by Salminen (1999) and the conclusion is that the risk that Enterococci used as probiotics may transfer antibiotic resistance to other pathogens is very small.
Also the fact that the strain has been approved for use in humans and animals by both the US and the European feedstuff authorities confirms that the safety has been evaluated and found to be satisfactory.

Is there a risk that the probiotic in Canikur Pro may be pathogenic?

Enterococcus faecium has the ability to cause a wide range of infections, primarily serious infections in hospital patients. However the strain used in Canikur Pro does not have any of the virulence factors required for becoming pathogenic.
20 years of use of E. faecium NCIMB 10415 as probiotic in humans and animals have not provided any indication that the strain may develop pathogenicity.
Also the fact that the strain has been approved for use in humans and animals by both the US and the European feedstuff authorities confirms that the safety has been evaluated and found to be satisfactory.

Can Canikur Pro be used for cats?

Yes, Canikur Pro can be used for cats. Enterococcus faecium NCIMB 10415 is registered for cats in EU feedstuff legislation, so we mention cats on the label and in the marketing material.

How can such a relative small amount of bacteria make a difference?

It is correct that the amount of bacteria provided with Canikur Pro is fairly small compared to the number of bacteria naturally present in the intestine. However, at body temperature in a moist environment and with plenty of nutrients the probiotic bacteria have the potential to divide every 20 minutes. This means that the amount of ingested bacteria has the potential to increase 1000 fold in less that 4 hours after application – especially if a good prebiotic is administered at the same time.

Do the probiotic bacteria colonise the dog intestine?

This has not been investigated, but chances are that it doesn’t, since the strain is originally an avian strain of Enterococcus faecium. This is why the strain must be supplied continuously (twice per day) in order to provide maximal efficacy.

Will Bio-Mos® remove the good bacteria?

No, the mechanism by which Bio-Mos® blocks bacterial attachment to the mucosa is specific for fimbrial attachment which is only relevant in certain pathogenic bacteria like Salmonella and E. coli.