How to switch NSAID (Del 7/9)
Forelæser: Linda Toresson, DVM, PhD Swedish Specialist in diseases of dogs and cats. Swedish Specialist in internal medicine.
Forelæser: Linda Toresson, DVM, PhD Swedish Specialist in diseases of dogs and cats. Swedish Specialist in internal medicine.
Forelæser: Linda Toresson, DVM, PhD Swedish Specialist in diseases of dogs and cats. Swedish Specialist in internal medicine.
Forelæser: Linda Toresson, DVM, PhD Swedish Specialist in diseases of dogs and cats. Swedish Specialist in internal medicine.
Hund med akut hjertesvigt som følge af MMVD eller DCM.
Demodicose kan være vanskelig at diagnosticere, men det behøver behandlingen ikke at være...
Kort gennemgang af den kliniske betydning af akromegali hos katte.