
Video / webinar

H2 blockers (Del 5/9)

Forelæser: Linda Toresson, DVM, PhD Swedish Specialist in diseases of dogs and cats. Swedish Specialist in internal medicine.

03. mar 2019
Video / webinar

Where to find guidelines on optimal treatment with gastro protectants – ACVIM (Del 6/9)

Forelæser: Linda Toresson, DVM, PhD Swedish Specialist in diseases of dogs and cats. Swedish Specialist in internal medicine.

03. mar 2019
Video / webinar

How to switch NSAID (Del 7/9)

Forelæser: Linda Toresson, DVM, PhD Swedish Specialist in diseases of dogs and cats. Swedish Specialist in internal medicine.

03. mar 2019
Video / webinar

Penetrating duodenal ulcer in a cat – Case report (Del 8/9)

Forelæser: Linda Toresson, DVM, PhD Swedish Specialist in diseases of dogs and cats. Swedish Specialist in internal medicine.

03. mar 2019
Video / webinar

Summary- What to take into consideration when treating with NSAIDs (Del 9/9)

Forelæser: Linda Toresson, DVM, PhD Swedish Specialist in diseases of dogs and cats. Swedish Specialist in internal medicine.

03. mar 2019
placeholder Algoritme for behandling af akut hjertesvigt

Algoritme for behandling af akut hjertesvigt

Hund med akut hjertesvigt som følge af MMVD eller DCM.

Montage-billed hund før og efter behandling

Godt nyt til hunde med demodicose og sarcoptes-skab

Demodicose kan være vanskelig at diagnosticere, men det behøver behandlingen ikke at være...

18. feb 2019
placeholder Bryd den onde cirkel!

Bryd den onde cirkel!


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Hjælp dine køer til at præstere bedre

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